Cumberland Area Quaker Meeting

Cumberland Area Quaker Meeting (comprising the former North Cumbria and West Cumbria Area Meetings) consists of six local Quaker Meetings - Alston, Carlisle, Cockermouth, Mosedale, Keswick and Penrith.


Local Meetings

Learn about the different Meetings and meeting houses in the area.

About Quakers

Discover who we are and what we believe in.

News & Events

Find out what is happening with Quakers in the area at the moment.

Quaker Week 2023: 'Simple. Radical. Spiritual.'

Cumberland Area Quaker Meeting is a registered charity (1161207).  For more information see the links below.

Our Policies
CAQM Policies March2022.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 56.6 KB

Charity Commission